Our team is creative, solution oriented, and growth-minded
Meet the team

Reema Chopra
Reema Chopra is a Marketing and Communications veteran with 20 plus years of experience in Graphic /Web design, Public relations, Project management, Digital marketing and corporate communications and branding. She presently serves as a Board Member with Station Gallery and Ajax Theatre.

Victor Jackson
Victor has Strong professional experience of producing high quality photography and film for organizations and institutions. Victor is highly motivated, quick learner and creative with a strong background in advertising, film, media, communications and
digital marketing fields.

Nick Fernandes
Nick is talented Graphic designer / developer / marketing generalist to support our marketing team in building and maintaining WordPress sites and landing page campaigns supporting current websites, collaborating with development teams, managing client website projects, taking part in team meetings, and making sure development projects are completed in time.

Thanks Reema! Great job in pulling all of this together regarding the OACM logo!
Sophie Turner
Communications Consulting | Executive Coaching | Career & Brand Strategy
For Entrepreneurs, Executives, & High Performance Athletes

I am impressed with the work you are doing. The publicity has been so professional. Great work!!!
Jan Donnelley
Board of Director,
Box Office Manager
Ajax Theatre

Thank you for volunteering your time to help an immigrant professional navigate the job market. This year you made a commitment to help one individual – and that makes all the difference in someone’s life. Your efforts have been a significant step in getting an immigrant professional on the right Canadian career path. Any insights are of benefit: giving feedback on a mentee’s resume, polishing their interviewing skills or enhancing their job search strategies. But over and above the potential for professional development, we know that you have made a personal connection and feel good about the immense difference you’ve made in someone’s life. Someone helped you get to where you are today.
Mustafa Dawood
Employment Training Consultant / Mentor Coach
TRIEC Mentoring Partnership

The Mentoring Partnership focuses on providing skilled newcomers to Canada with an opportunity to be mentored by established professionals in the Canadian labour market. Reema openly shared her experiences, approaches and successes with our mentee who left the program feeling more confident and acquainted with the labour force. Reema, thank you for making a difference in the lives of our newcomers. Your professional, meticulous and creative approach was exactly what this program needed.
Sherferene Alleyne, Mentoring Coach
Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre
TRIEC Mentoring Partnership
people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.
Rupert Murdoch, Founder of News Corporation
There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals..
Idowu Koyenikan,
Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability